"I Can't Sleep" Here's What to Do About It

Many is the adult who feels tired all the time but cannot sleep. The stress of modern living has put too in the paradoxical state of chronic exhaustion and insolvable insomnia. Rates of bad sleeping habits have gone up at a steady pace during the 20th century, to the point where good sleepers may soon be the minority.
That’s not good. Not only do healthy sleeping habits increase overall quality of life, but they also help our bodies perform important maintenance functions that just aren’t possible while we are awake.
In this article, we take a look at what insomniacs can do to sleep better.
Avoid Stimulation
It might help to think of your day as an arch. In the morning, we seek stimulation, often in the form of caffeine, to get us in a productive frame of mind. You might begin your day with a cup of coffee, maybe reading the news or reviewing emails at the kitchen table before starting your work in earnest.
From there, you progress into what has become a modern workday, likely parking yourself in front of a screen for eight hours.
This is necessary while we are working, but it’s important to know when to cut yourself off from screen time. Digital media actively stimulates the brain and blocks the production of melatonin—the chemical that helps us achieve a restful state.
It’s good to start weening yourself off screens and other stimulates by late afternoon. Instead of checking your phone or watching a Netflix show at night, consider relaxation habits that give your brain what it needs to be at ease by the time your head hits the pillow.
Activities like reading, or even working on a puzzle produce serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is the chemical responsible for feelings of peace and relaxation.
This alone won’t fix all of your sleeping problems, but it will at least lay the groundwork for better results.
Practice Mindfulness
“Mindfulness,” has become a bit of a buzzword, to the point that it can be easy to dismiss as a fad. While there is an internet culture around mindfulness that is largely commercial, the practice itself is as old as human history and proven to help manage stress and put people at peace.
First, let’s define it: Mindfulness is all about purposeful awareness. The goal is to fix your focus on the moment and try to avoid strong feelings about what is happening. It’s about being aware and accepting the present.
That sounds simple, and maybe even a bit cold, but when practiced properly it can be an effective tool for managing difficult emotions. Think about it this way: How often are you stressed about something that is happening in the exact moment that you are occupying?
Now, if you are unhealthy, the answer might be “often.” If you happen to be reading this article while being mugged, the answer might be, “Right now.” Otherwise, it’s probably a pretty rare occurrence.
Most of the time we experience feelings of stress or anxiety, it is because of past/future orientation. We are upset about something that has already happened or worried about something that might happen in the future.
Too often, this happens when we put our heads down to rest. It’s almost funny, isn’t it, how all of the day’s problems seem to rush forward in our consciousness at the exact moment we desire the most distance from them?
But there’s a reason for that: When you rush from one thing to the next without giving your brain the chance to decompress, it has no other opportunity to process stress.
Give yourself time to manage your thoughts and feelings in a productive format. Developing a short mindfulness routine at the end of your working day is a great way to transition from the stress of your job into the relaxation of your home life. Even just a ten-minute guided meditation once you’ve finished all your tasks is a good way to clear your head and manage negative feelings productively.
Build a Comfortable Nest
Your bed should be a sacred space. You’ve heard already the common wisdom: Don’t work where you sleep. Avoid even checking your email in bed before going to bed for the night. Certainly, this is good advice. You don’t want work to be the last thought in your mind before you lay your head down.
Equally important, however, is the surface that you are laying your head on. Buying a good pillow set is an excellent way to invest in good sleep. Our pillowcases are the perfect accompaniment to your bedtime routine. Made from high-quality silk they provide the perfect combination of comfort and health. Silk is a hypoallergenic material that can help you manage your allergies and maintain good skin health while you sleep.
Ultimately, it’s little details that add up to better rest. Give yourself every possible advantage.